Conformations of random self-avoiding walks (SAWs) These are SAWs written in PDB format. The compactness is determined by the parameters (T', C). The most compact conformations are generated by (T', C) = (0.1, 0.6), and the least compact conforamtios are generated by (T', C) = (-2.0, 0.0). "T_infinity" is data for infinity high temperature, ie, uniform distribution of SAWs. For detail, see J Zhang, R Chen, C Tang, and J Liang, J of Chem Phys, Vol. 118, 13:6102-6109, 2003. There are two files associated with each set of conformations: 1) The conformation file, and 2) the weight file. Conformation file is named by the values of T, C parameters, the run number, and the chain length. For example, "T1.0_C0_R0_L1000.tar.gz" is the tarred and compressed file for SAWs of length 1000 generated in the 0th run with parameters (T', C) = (1.0, 0.0). There are at least 10 runs for each set of T,C, and length. The tarred and compressed file contains about 600 conformations. Each conformation is written as the coordinates of C_alpha atoms of N glycine residues. You can subsititute the residue names to any other residues. The weight file (eg. "T1.0_C0_R0_L1000_Wt.dat") contains weight coefficient associated with each conformation. These conformations are generated from the target distribution of uniform distribution of all geometrically feasible SAWs, with the additional criterion that their alpha coordination number $z_\alpha$ must be within some intervals (See Zhang et al for detail). Because these conformations are generated by importance sampling, each conformation comes with a weight. To calculate an ensemble properties of a set of conformations, eg. the mean of end-to-end distance $d_m$, one calculates the end-to-end distance $d_i$ for each conformation, and multiply it with the weight: \[ d_m = \sum_i^N {w_i \times d_i}/ \sum_i^N {w_i} \] To calculate ensemble properties of these conformations under a different target distribution (e.g. Boltzman distribution), one can simply re-weight each conformation. Jinfeng Zhang and Jie Liang and 3/18/2003